
sgkit.pbs(ds, *, stat_Fst='stat_Fst', cohorts=None, merge=True)#

Compute the population branching statistic (PBS) between cohort triples.

By default, values of this statistic are calculated per variant. To compute values in windows, call window_by_position() or window_by_variant() before calling this function.

ds : Dataset

Genotype call dataset.

stat_Fst : Hashable (default: 'stat_Fst')

Fst variable to use or calculate. Defined by sgkit.variables.stat_Fst_spec. If the variable is not present in ds, it will be computed using Fst().

cohorts : Sequence[Union[Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[str, str, str]]] | NoneOptional[Sequence[Union[Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[str, str, str]]]] (default: None)

The cohort triples to compute statistics for, specified as a sequence of tuples of cohort indexes or IDs. None (the default) means compute statistics for all cohorts.

merge : bool (default: True)

If True (the default), merge the input dataset and the computed output variables into a single dataset, otherwise return only the computed output variables. See Dataset merge behavior for more details.

Return type



A dataset containing the PBS value between cohort triples, as defined by sgkit.variables.stat_pbs_spec. Shape (variants, cohorts, cohorts, cohorts), or (windows, cohorts, cohorts, cohorts) if windowing information is available.


This method does not currently support datasets that are chunked along the samples dimension.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import sgkit as sg
>>> import xarray as xr
>>> ds = sg.simulate_genotype_call_dataset(n_variant=5, n_sample=6)
>>> # Divide samples into three named cohorts
>>> n_cohorts = 3
>>> sample_cohort = np.repeat(range(n_cohorts), ds.dims["samples"] // n_cohorts)
>>> ds["sample_cohort"] = xr.DataArray(sample_cohort, dims="samples")
>>> cohort_names = [f"co_{i}" for i in range(n_cohorts)]
>>> ds = ds.assign_coords({"cohorts_0": cohort_names, "cohorts_1": cohort_names, "cohorts_2": cohort_names})
>>> # Divide into two windows of size three (variants)
>>> ds = sg.window_by_variant(ds, size=3)
>>> sg.pbs(ds)["stat_pbs"].sel(cohorts_0="co_0", cohorts_1="co_1", cohorts_2="co_2").values 
array([ 0.      , -0.160898])