
sgkit.save_dataset(ds, store, storage_options=None, auto_rechunk=None, **kwargs)#

Save a dataset to Zarr storage.

This function is a thin wrapper around xarray.Dataset.to_zarr() that uses sensible defaults and makes it easier to use in a pipeline.

ds Dataset

Dataset to save.

store str | Path | MutableMapping[str, bytes]Union[str, Path, MutableMapping[str, bytes]]

Zarr store or path to directory in file system to save to.

storage_options {str: str} | NoneOptional[Dict[str, str]] (default: None)

Any additional parameters for the storage backend (see

auto_rechunk bool | NoneOptional[bool] (default: None)

If True, automatically rechunk the dataset to uniform chunks before saving, if necessary. This is required for Zarr, but can be expensive. Defaults to False.

kwargs Any

Additional arguments to pass to xarray.Dataset.to_zarr().

Return type:
