
sgkit.variables.stat_Hamilton_Kerr_lambda_spec = ArrayLikeSpec(default_name='stat_Hamilton_Kerr_lambda', __doc__='\nThe probability that two (randomly chosen without replacement) homologues, inherited\nfrom a single parent, were derived from a single chromosomal copy within that parent.\nThis variable may be used to encode an increased probability of IBD resulting from\nmeiotic or asexual processes. The dimensions of this variable must match those of\n:data:`sgkit.variables.parent_spec`.\n\nSee also: :data:`sgkit.variables.stat_Hamilton_Kerr_tau_spec`.\n', kind='f', ndim=2, dims=('samples', 'parents'))#

The probability that two (randomly chosen without replacement) homologues, inherited from a single parent, were derived from a single chromosomal copy within that parent. This variable may be used to encode an increased probability of IBD resulting from meiotic or asexual processes. The dimensions of this variable must match those of sgkit.variables.parent_spec.

See also: sgkit.variables.stat_Hamilton_Kerr_tau_spec.