
sgkit.variables.stat_Hamilton_Kerr_tau_spec = ArrayLikeSpec(default_name='stat_Hamilton_Kerr_tau', __doc__='\nNumerical contribution of each parent, for each individual, which must sum to the\nploidy of the individual. This can be interpreted as gametic ploidy in the case of\nsexual reproduction, or more broadly as the number of genome copies inherited in\nasexual reproduction. Values should be included for all parents even when parents\nare unknown or not included within a dataset. The dimensions of this variable must\nmatch those of :data:`sgkit.variables.parent_spec`.\n\nSee also: :data:`sgkit.variables.stat_Hamilton_Kerr_lambda_spec`.\n', kind='u', ndim=2, dims=('samples', 'parents'))#

Numerical contribution of each parent, for each individual, which must sum to the ploidy of the individual. This can be interpreted as gametic ploidy in the case of sexual reproduction, or more broadly as the number of genome copies inherited in asexual reproduction. Values should be included for all parents even when parents are unknown or not included within a dataset. The dimensions of this variable must match those of sgkit.variables.parent_spec.

See also: sgkit.variables.stat_Hamilton_Kerr_lambda_spec.